The Islander Hot Water Solar Energy System
Low Cost Starting at $699
Specifically Built for the Pacific Islands
Shipped Directly to Your Door
Anywhere in Hawaii and The Pacific!
Al Rich on Social Responsibility
I created "The Islander" Hot water solar energy system specifically for the Pacific Islands. I knew how expensive it had become for many people to receive benefits of the suns energy. I wanted to change that. That is why I created this productline. I wanted to make a Hot Water Solar Energy System that was shippable by FedEx or UPS anywhere throughout the Pacific. I knew that if I could make it low cost and easy to ship,then there would be many throughout the Pacific who would benefit and be able to take advantage of all that wonderful son. We believe social responsibility starts at home. That's why we ensure that all the designers, engineers, and fabricators at our factories are treated with kindness. Each worker contributes in a loving, nourishing atmosphere that helps us ensure that we can bring you the best affordable product on the market. We believe that when you buy from us, we are forming a partnership and our number one goal is to make sure that you save money and use less fossil fuels. Why did we create "The Islander" hot water solar energy system? Because we want to make the world a better place and we know that you can too.